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Rachel Wilson

The Setonian

School's out for summer -- sort of

Summer school is an aspect of life either loved or hated bycollege students. Some students avoid school during the summer at all costs, whileothers take full loads at every opportunity. Budgeting issues occasionally arise with summer school,preventing students from taking needed classes. Because facultymembers ...

The Setonian

Gambling: harmless source of fun or addictive entertainment?

Gambling is an activity a number of college students see as asource of fun and entertainment. However, it can sometimes lead toan addiction that comes with harmful side effects. "Most people start some form of gambling when they are 10 or 11years old ... for example, flipping baseball cards," said ChrisArmentano, ...

The Setonian

Will suicide bombings cross to U.S.?

Since the rise in suicide bombings in the Middle East over thepast several years and the suicide bombings in Turkey over the pasttwo weeks, a number of Americans are left wondering if thoseactions could travel to the United States. In 2002, 725 people died in international terrorist acts,according to ...

The Setonian

Gay marriage gets mixed reviews after court ruling

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Tuesday declared thatthe state's ban on same-sex marriages is unconstitutional, givingthe state legislature 180 days to reach a conclusion on theissue. This leaves a number of individuals, both conservative andliberal, wondering what the decision means for the ...

The Setonian

Experts say stress can lead to depression

Students dealing with school, work, family and friends can be atrisk for depression problems, which start as normal responses tostress but can develop into a disorder that disrupts a person'sentire life. "People begin to put emphasis on society's message on how tolive," said Clay Harrington, a psychologist ...

The Setonian

With economy up, students happy

With the U.S. economy and job market showing a markedimprovement in the last quarter, students who chose to remain inschool through the recent economic slump are glad they did. David White, a computer science doctoral student at TheUniversity of Memphis, said he decided to continue his educationbecause ...

The Setonian

Sleep important for health, safety

Between classes and work schedules, many students at TheUniversity of Memphis do not have time to figure in one importantaspect -- sleep. Lack of sleep can cause a number of different health problems,as well as difficulty performing daily functions, according toexperts. "We recommend that adults get ...

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