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Noah Chensasky

Head coach WBB
Online Features

A new Tiger on campus: Who is Katrina Merriweather?

The University of Memphis women’s basketball team has a new head coach. Looking to turn the tables of past seasons, Katrina Merriweather is here to change the culture.  Merriweather grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana where she started her basketball career. She went on to play in college at the ...

The Setonian

UofM Awarded $6 Million from The National Institute of Health

The University of Memphis is poised to take a leap into a new frontier. The National Institute of Health (NIH) awarded the University with a 5.9 million-dollar grant to establish the mHealth Center for Discovery, Optimization & Translation of Temporarily Precise Interventions (mDOT). The center ...

Carson Sinclair pic

Q+A with Carson Sinclair

Interviewed by Noah Chensasky  Name: Carson Sinclair Hometown: Union City, Tennessee Age: 18 Major: Marketing Dream job: Outdoors sales representative. If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money? Give part of it to charity and then invest the rest. Who would portray you ...

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