The College of Communication and Fine Arts GradLife department hosted its inaugural post-graduation celebration event on Thursday, October 13th. The event, hosted by graduation analyst for the CFA Terrell Stanford-Bush, was a celebration of the two graduating classes this year (Fall 2022 and Spring 2023).

Bush's position at the college is to oversee and approve the applications of those seeking to graduate and inform students of the requirements needed to graduate. For example, in Journalism and Strategic Media (JRSM), a requirement for graduation is 150 internship/practicum hours.
"The whole purpose of GradLife is to prepare our students for graduation and also life after graduation," said Bush. The event also reflected the mission of GradLife, with representatives from the Graduate School, Career Services Office and Alumni Association each having tables at the event and promoting themselves and their services to the attendees.
It was not all just information at the event; it was also a celebration of the work these students and their parents put into their years at the University of Memphis. A DJ played music, pizza was served, and a raffle was held for some University of Memphis memorabilia.

The event also had a guest speaker, Dr. Eric Bailey II, the assistant vice president of Student Academic Success. Though GradLife is not part of the departments that make up this division, Student Academic Success does help get students to graduation and works closely with GradLife, such as with this event.
"Us as a division of Student Academic Success, GradLife doesn't fall specifically under, but we do everything that we can to assist students towards graduation and life after graduation," Bailey said.
Bailey's speech, titled "What Are the Next Big Steps?" reflected this statement. The talk was about what comes after graduation and that graduates, if they decide to start looking for work, need to accept that their first job probably will not be what they are looking for but is a building block for their future careers nonetheless.