From sightseeing to barbecuing, music to history, Memphis has a unique nature embellished by its vast array of cultural experiences, and diverse population, offering new perspectives to anyone who pays the 901 a visit.
These experiences are amplified when one gets the chance to reside in the Bluff city for longer than a touristic visit. An opportunity that most exchange students at the University of Memphis are lucky enough to receive.
I’ve now been studying at the University of Memphis for nearly seven months, and the exchange program has been the most eye-opening and interesting period of my life, and I doubt that will change. Cultural immersion, campus groups, and thousands cheering on the Tigers, Memphis has a whole host of immersive opportunities for locals and outsiders to enjoy together and share.
U.S. culture can often be directly compared in a similar manner to that seen in Europe, and especially the UK, however, the differences are much larger than some people may care to realize. Many Americans make the incorrect assumption of mild ethnocentrism, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. I didn’t expect that moving from England to the Mid-South would offer such varying viewpoints on a range of issues and cultural perspectives, and Memphis is the perfect place to witness this first-hand.
Religion’s prominence throughout the South, the ever-present racial divide, and the lack of rights for minority groups are all issues that are amplified within areas such as Tennessee. This is very different from many of the cultures I have personally experienced before, which all lead to a vastly sobering time in Memphis. Astounding and enlightening, these things can make any visitor truly aware of some of life’s larger problems they may not face in their comfort zones at home.
To further branch out of our safety nets, opportunities on campus can allow exchange students to help local communities through working, volunteering, speaking and understanding, allowing them to help close the equality gaps in the local area and bringing this fighting spirit home to all corners of the world.
Alongside the experiences I received at the university, Memphis is a great jumping-off point for many other US destinations. With easy access to New Orleans, the country music capital of Nashville, a bus ride away from states such as Georgia and Texas, and with Chicago being only half a day’s bus journey, the American experience can be easily and affordably accessed using Memphis as your starting point.
I had the opportunity to visit places such as Dallas, Atlanta, San Francisco and Chicago with those I met in Memphis, building strong relationships with friends that will last a lifetime. With the notorious Southern hospitality, Memphis is so well-known for; any visiting student will be welcomed with open arms and immediately immersed into the local way of life.
Even though Memphis is close to many of the great states of America, there is so much to do on our very doorstep, and a semester in the 901 is more than enough time to experience this. From walking in Elvis’ footsteps at the second most visited home in the United States, to walking your own footsteps along the world-renowned Beale street, the possibilities are endless. Drinking coffee in the many local breweries is a good start to any Memphian’s daily routine, then heading out for the world’s best barbecue, followed by a stroll along the glorious Mississippi river to burn off those extra calories. These are activities any Memphis student can do within a single car journey.
The exchange student experience is one that will shape your years to come and change your outlook on life forever. A truly educational and enriching experience you will never forget. While the U.S. offers the true American experience for any foreign national, Memphis is like no place anywhere in the world.