1. A 17-year-old female non-student was reported to campus police for public intoxication on Nov. 10, according to a police report written by officer Chanancy Donaldson. This occured during the “Bluff City Bash.†When officers arrived, the girl was already with paramedics, according to the report. Officers were told she could not keep her balance, and she had fallen down twice in front of Derek Myers, assistant chief of campus police. Myers escorted her to paramedics. The woman’s mother was called to the scene and took her home, the report stated.

2. On the same day, campus police responded to a vandalism call after it appeared as if someone attempted to enter the Relaxation Zone, according to a campus police report written by officer Claude Berry. It is unknown if entry was made, but according to the report, it did not appear so. When the incident occurred, staff had left for the day on Nov. 10. Maintenance was contacted and put a hasp lock on the door until Nov. 13.