Three men armed with pistols and a rifle robbed a student of his car at the University of Memphis parking lot near Southern Avenue and Goodman Street Wednesday night at about 8:40 p.m.Â
The victim told police he had just gotten inside his car when an African American man wearing a red bandana over his face opened the door and told him to get out. The victim got out of the car and was unharmed.
The suspect was between 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet tall and about 18 to 21 years old. He wore a dark hoodie, jeans and was armed with a silver semi-automatic handgun, police said.
The victim saw two other men, police said. Both were African American and between the ages of 18 to 21 years old as well, police said. These men were also armed with a black pistol and a rifle or shotgun.Â
The robbers drove off with the victim's 2016 white Toyota Corolla. Police said the car was headed down Southern Avenue. toward Highland Avenue. The car's license plate reads GWB2237.Â
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the U of M Campus Police at 901-678-4357 (678-HELP) or the Memphis Police Department at 901-545-2677 (545-COPS).