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Crosstown Arts open call for Belongings II exhibition

Crosstown Arts and the Cleveland Street Flea Market unite for the second annual Belongings II exhibition opening on April 29 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Anyone can submit artwork as long as it utilizes or is inspired by an item from the flea market.

“Last year there were 130 installations and 120 artists who submitted,” Curator Mary Jo Karimnia said. “Opening night was crazy.”

Karimnia, 53, of Detroit, Michigan has been living in Memphis for 20 years. She is also the Programming Consultant and Resident Liaison at Crosstown Arts.

“It’s a good way to meet people and get involved in the arts community,” Karimnia said. “This year the exhibition will run for two weeks.”

Karimnia said flea market items cost as little as $1, and everyone who submits automatically gets at least one art piece into the show.

“Artists can sell their work at the show and Crosstown does not take a commission on it,” Karimnia said. “All the money goes to the artist.”

Jane Wilson, 51, of Memphis submitted artwork last year and this year.

“Since I was young, I’ve always been putting things together in strange ways,” Wilson said. “I’ve never considered myself an artist at all. I just love creating things.”

April 25 at 7 p.m. is the submission deadline online and in-person. Artwork must be dropped off at 422 N. Cleveland.

“It’s a great way for artists to get their feet wet,” Karimnia said.

The flea market has limited hours only open Fridays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays 12:15 p.m. to 5 p.m.

“It’s a good way to bring folks into Crosstown Arts, learn what the organization is doing and all the different types of programming we have,” Karimnia said. “We try to reach out to everyone.”

Mary Long, 53, of Ohio, has been in Memphis for 20 years and submitted artwork last year.

“I just like the idea of transforming something perceived as useless into something beautiful and thought provoking,” Long said.

Karimnia said there will be a round table discussion following the opening of the exhibition where a few of the accepted artists will be asked to speak on behalf of their work.

“Last year there was a blue abstract painting based on a blue vase,” Karimnia said.

Wilson said that as a result of being a part of the first Belongings show she was encouraged to submit to another exhibition that she got accepted to in October.

“It’s about building community and belonging to it through the art as well as the objects themselves,” Karimnia said.

Karimnia said they get submissions from artists at all levels in their career and for some this is their first acceptance to an exhibition.

Karimnia can be reached at or 901-626-6298

“Submissions can be as simple or as complicated as the artist wants as long as it fits through a standard doorway,” Karimnia said. “Challenge me.”

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