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Program helps students cross academic finish line

The University of Memphis was listed on a report as one of five schools with successful programs that helped students re-enter college and graduate.

The report, released Monday, outlined ways universities are helping students reach graduation.

The report, compiled by the Association of Public and Land- Grant Universities and Urban Serving Universities, was titled Foiling the Drop-Out Trap, Completion Grant Practices for Retaining and Graduating Students.

The report praised the U of M’s Finish Line program, which has been in place since the fall of 2013.

The report said many students have spent their sum of financial aid, a financial burden that can cause many students to drop out short of graduation.

Therefore, the report encouraged colleges and universities to implement ways to help students finish their education. Finish Line is overseen by the University’s Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning.

The program helps former U of M students who did not graduate attain their bachelor’s degree by providing grant funds. The staff can also help waive outdated program requirements in addition to academic and financial holds that students might have.

Those looking to gain their degrees through Finish Line must have already earned at least 90 credit hours.

They also cannot have more than 30 credit hours needed for graduation. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA and must have been out of school for at least one semester.

Every semester, the program’s staff accumulates information to find eligible former students. Sometimes the information is three to five years old.

Students may also be recommended to the program by people in both the campus and local community Former students who meet the requirements and are interested can apply through the program’s website.

“The work we get to do every day is incredibly rewarding,” Ashley Coffer, an academic advisor for Finish Line, said. “We help students chart out a path to graduation and then walk alongside them on that path until they reach the finish line. It is pure joy to know a student’s story, guide them on the last leg of their journey and then see them in cap and gown.”

One hundred twenty-three students have gained their degree with Finish Line, and 150 more are on track, according to the report.

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