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U of M alumnus heads to City by the Bay

It was a leap of faith that University of Memphis alumni, Adam Casey, decided to move out to San Francisco and take the job as Regional Development Representative for ALSAC/ St. Jude Children’s research hospital without ever visiting the city before.

“Living in San Francisco is a complete change from what I was used to having been in Memphis my whole life,” Casey said. “From taking public transportation, to walking everywhere, to all the different cultures- I could go on forever.”

Casey got the job after a phone interview with his boss who talked a lot about moving out to San Francisco. He then moved out to California and is responsible for conducting special events and executing core programs throughout the Northern California region. Casey spends a lot of his time managing and working with the coordinators of different events.

“My goal is to maximize the income and broaden these events and expand our fundraising efforts into new areas of our region,” Casey said.

Casey was apart of Up ‘til Dawn in college and Sigma Chi, which he believes was crucial in getting this job. He really stresses to college kids the importance of being involved and making those connections.

“Being involved really helps students gain experience in attending meetings, practicing interviews, and so many more skills that directly correlate to adult life,” Casey said.

Casey described what it’s like to work in a professional setting and have a grown up job, telling the importance of college and it’s preparation for the real world.

“It is a new world where you have to start thinking about the cost of health insurance and retirement benefits,” Casey said. “It’s time to be a grown up. My main suggestion for any job is to come in open minded willing to work and prove yourself.”

Having never been to San Francisco until he got the job with ALSAC, Casey realized just how much of a change the city is from Memphis.

“Living in San Francisco is a complete change from what I was used to having been in Memphis my whole life,” Casey said. “From public transportation, to walking everywhere, to all the different cultures. Memphis will always be home to me and it can be hard at times being away, especially from all of your friends.”

Casey just graduated last year and already has been brought into a new, professional atmosphere with a grown up job. Not too long ago, he was just a college kid thinking about what was in store for his future. He leaves advice to students of what to keep in mind.

“Enjoy the memories you make in college!” Casey said. “Some of the best memories I’ll have in my life where those made while an undergrad, an experience you don’t get twice! Also your grades do matter, so keep your GPA up.”

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