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Editorial: Police Services on the ball

University of Memphis Police Services have put in serious effort this semester to inform the campus community about crimes that may jeopardize a person's safety.

Director Bruce Harber quickly sent out an emergency alert about the robbery in Carpenter Complex on Tuesday. His office implemented a new pop-up system that has emergency messages appear on every on-campus computer when Harber sends out an alert.

This means professors and students in class viewing a PowerPoint won't have to worry about missing the emergency TigerTexts or emails.

I'm on campus until midnight or later Mondays through Thursdays working on deadline at the paper, so I appreciated even more the follow-up email Harber sent Thursday that included detailed descriptions of the suspects, and even photos of them.

When reporters have called Police Services to follow up on this burglary and other thefts this semester, the director and Captain Kevin Langellier were swift and helpful. The paper was then able to distribute that important safety information to its readers.

If you've read my past editorials, it's no secret that I'm passionate about those on campus being able to have access to crime records and information that will allow them to take appropriate safety precautions.

The attitude shown by Police Services this semester, and their new pop-up system on campus computers is a great, necessary aid in allowing people to do just that.

Keep up the great work, Police Services. I hope the effort continues.

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