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Clock's tickin

Spring registration around the corner

Just as University of Memphis students are becoming accustomed to their fall schedules, it is already time to register for spring.Early registration will begin for seniors on Nov. 9 and will continue through Nov. 19 for all other students.

Though registration officially lasts until the middle of January, U of M officials advise students to start preparing for registration as soon as possible.

"The schedule is already on Tigerweb," said Noel Schwartz, U of M registrar. "Students should go ahead and check out the registration center on the Web site and get advised before their actual registration date so they can have the best selection possible."

Some U of M students have learned the best way to avoid registration roadblocks is to first see an academic advisor.

"After I find out the date I can register, I immediately schedule an appointment with my advisor," said Jeremy Houston, senior advertising major.

Though University of Memphis freshmen are scheduled to register after other classifications, many are already preparing for the process.

"I have already scheduled an appointment with my advisor, and I also plan to begin looking at the class selection on Tigerweb," said Ebonie Stafford, freshman biology major.

While advisors are the most helpful when it comes to the registering and scheduling procedure, some freshmen said they plan to consult upperclassmen for suggestions on what classes to take and which professor to get.

"I plan to talk to older college students for schedule tips, especially my older brother," said Marcus Steward, an undecided freshman.

Some U of M officials said having a schedule already planned is another way to get a head start on registration.

"Have a plan of what you think you want to take -- a skeleton of your schedule," said Laurie Snyder, college advisor for communications and fine arts.

Snyder also said students with unpaid financial business will have to wait to register.

"Pay all fines, whether it be library or parking fines, because students cannot register with these fines," she said.For many students, seeing an academic advisor is not seen as a priority for registration, but officials said meeting with an advisor should be done twice a year.

"Most degree-seeking students need to meet with their advisors every semester," said Schwartz.

Snyder agreed with the importance of seeing an advisor frequently."Advisors are mentors and students should meet with them because things change, like the recent changes made to the general education requirements," she said.

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