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New site puts student account resets at one internet address

For years students have been forced to wait in long lines to get their U of M e-mail addresses and passwords. Wait no longer, students: is here.

The new password management system was created to help students, faculty and staff self-manage their personal University Internet accounts.

"The management system was designed to give clients the ability to manage more of their own resources without relying on the help desk," said John Wilkes, client support services manager.

Wilkes also explained how the IAM system has given students the ability to forward their university e-mail to another e-mail service provider.

"I've got mine set up to redirect my campus e-mails to my Yahoo account," said Brandon Paige, freshman engineering major.

The biggest complaint the IT (information technology) department faced was password management.

"Students do not have to call to reset their passwords. Now they can answer a security question, which will allow the password to be changed, like other e-mail accounts. But ours works a little differently," Wilkes said.

The technology department sends an account code in students' acceptance letters, which students can use to open a Tiger LAN account. This benefits both The University and the students by saving time and helping undecided students choose The U of M, Wilkes said.

The site is where students can change their passwords and PINs to every U of M account from one central location. Right now, the site doesn't require frequent password changes, but Tiger LAN passwords are reset on a regular basis.

"Currently passwords don't have to be changed, but most students go to school during the fall and the spring and take the summers off and forget their passwords," said Wilkes.

Changing passwords periodically for security purposes is recommended for students and staff, said Wilkes.

He also discussed plans to replace The University's text-based Internet system with newer technology, such as

"We're always looking for ways to make access easier. Self-service is the key. Our function is to give control back to the user," Wilkes said.

Wilkes concluded by saying that, for most people, computer technology is a tool and not a profession. The purpose of having newer technology is to enhance learning and engage students.

"You are actively participating with peers, teachers and mentors. When you do that you make learning a lifelong process and make connections for life," Wilkes said.

But what if the students don't know where to get the information?

"I don't know where to get it (password information)," Chris Pollina, freshman pre-med major said.

Ann Harbor, director of client services, said students can get their passwords by logging on to the system or by calling the IT help desk at 678-8888.

"We encourage students to use the IAM system more. It allows the students to be more independent," Harbor said.

The technicians in IT want to keep things as simple as possible, according to Wilkes.

"The most important thing is the information, not the technology," Wilkes said.

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