Help has arrived for students who struggle with organization,juggling school, jobs and a life.
The Adult Student Association will host a free stress and timemanagement seminar Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in theUniversity Center Senate Chambers, room 404.
"Time management is important to keep life in order, especiallywith adult students who have children," said Lou Paris, a seniorbroadcast journalism major and president of the ASA.
He said The University has held the organizational seminar forabout four years.
This is the first seminar ASA is hosting for the year. Theorganization holds one seminar a month, but the time managementworkshop is an annual event, according to Paris.
The ASA decided to hold the seminar early in the year this yearto help students avoid stress later on.
"College is a unique environment where you go through cycles.It's calm now, but things get hectic toward December," Parissaid.
Dr. Barbara Bekis, educational support coordinator and guestspeaker for Saturday, said she feels the timing of the seminar doesnot matter.
"We could offer this type of seminar every week. Students willonly attend when the student identifies the need to use time moreefficiently or the need to reduce anxiety caused by being a collegestudent."
Bekis said the workshop itself, "will focus on 'self-management'so that there is time to do what we want to do."
"I will focus on effective preparation to reduce anxiety," shesaid of her own presentation.
Students will learn how to get more done in less time and whatthey can do to reduce stress. Paying attention to what othercollege students do can also benefit students, Bekis said.
"We are all equal in one way: we all have 168 hours in a week.However, we are different in what gets accomplished personally,academically, socially," she said.
The seminar also features guest speaker Dr. Susan Matthews fromthe Psychological Services Center. Matthews will offer ideas on howstudents can learn to deal with stress.
Matthews will tell students of the services available to themfrom the center.
The presentation will describe the center's services like freecounseling and learning disorder testing.
Many students also believe organization is key to survivingcollege life.
"I'm so busy that if I'm not organized I'll lose track of whatis going on," senior psychology major Anna Asbury said. "My plannerruns my life."
Ben Hoffmire, freshman, undecided, said, "As far as timemanagement goes, I'm pretty organized. I have to write stuff downor I'll forget it. I just plan everything around school andwork."
The ASA expects a good turnout at the seminar, according toCamile Bradley, secretary/treasurer of ASA, senior, philosophymajor.
"We are expecting between 12 and 40 people. It all depends onthe subject and the appeal to the students," she said.
The workshop will have a continental breakfast and a voucher forlunch in the University Center.