Monday, September 13
1:19 p.m.
University Police responded to a theft from building call inDunn Hall, 3725 Norriswood, room #241. Professor Pei-Kee Lin toldofficers that several items had been stolen from his office overthe past two weeks. Between Sep. 1 and Sep. 13 two calculators, twopower cords and a case were stolen from his office. All items wereUniversity property. Total loss is estimated at $220.
Tuesday, September 14
11:45 a.m.
Professor Robert W. McDowell reported a burglary of room G5 inthe Theater and Communication building, 3745 Central. McDowell toldofficers that on Aug. 30 he arrived at his office at approximately10 a.m. and found that an electronic handheld dictionary wasmissing from his desk. On Sep. 13, he arrived at his office anddiscovered his desk lamp missing. On both occasions the office waslocked. University Police observed no signs of forced entry and Dr.McDowell believes a key was used to gain entry in both incidents.Total loss is estimated at $120.
Wednesday, September 15
3:18 p.m.
University Police responded to a burglary call in Dunn Hall,3725 Norriswood, room #303. Faculty member Nancy Magallanes toldpolice that $4 cash was stolen from her office between 7:45 p.m.Sep. 14 and 7 a.m. Sep. 15. She told officers that she locks heroffice whenever she leaves. She also reported that the door waslocked at 7 a.m. on the day of the report. There were no signs offorced entry.
Thursday, September 16
5:11 p.m.
University Police answered a walk-in theft report at theDepartment of Police Services. Robin R. Roach told officers thatshe went to the grocery at 4 p.m. on Sep. 16. She checked her purseand discovered that her checkbook, driver's license, credit cardsand $25 in cash were missing. She stated that the items were in herpurse on Sep. 15 at 5 p.m. when she was at home. Ms. Roach saidthat she left the purse under her desk in her Fieldhouse office,room #1611 on Sep. 16 at 9 a.m. The only time it was leftunattended was between 10 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. while she was in ameeting. Total loss is estimated at $42.
Friday, September 17
1:50 p.m.
University Police responded to a burglary call at RichardsonTowers, 3603 Central Avenue. Jason C. Suarez told officers that hiswallet was stolen from his dorm room between 10 p.m. and 12 a.m. onSep. 15. He reported that his door was locked during this time.Suarez reported that he did not have a roommate during thistime.