Looking for a place to study just got easier due to therelocation of the Educational Support Program to the more visiblelocation of the second floor of Mitchell Hall.
Currently, the ESP office and two learning centers are locatedon the fourth floor of Mitchell Hall, but moving down two floorsshould make it more convenient for students, officials said.
"The Mitchell lobby is heavily utilized by students as a studyplace," said Barbara Bekis, educational support coordinator. "Now,the ESP will have greater visibility there."
The ESP office will relocate to Mitchell 217, along with theAcademic Enhancement Center, Science Learning Center and Office ofSupplemental Instruction. This month's move will complete theoriginal plan for ESP to move from Dunn Hall last year. Weekly ESPseminars and tutor training will now be held in Mitchell 209.
Tutors in the learning centers will be available for students ifthey need assistance with course work, or the centers can be usedjust as a study area.
With the new location, the ESP will become more familiar to newand returning students, said officials.
"We're excited about the move, and we think our offices will bemore visible and will be of greater access for students," saidKimberly Collins, ESP learning specialist. "We also believe thiswill be a relatively permanent location for us so that over timestudents can come to associate ESP and the Academic EnhancementCenter with Mitchell Hall."
Other ESP-sponsored centers around campus will remain in theircurrent locations, such as the English Learning Center in Patterson225 and the Math Learning Center in Dunn Hall 143. The ESP alsoserves Freshman First Students in the study area of Richardson Hallon the first floor.
ESP staff and faculty are excited about the new location.
"I look forward to these ESP services and programs being in amore accessible location for all students, as well as being innewly painted and carpeted locations," said Bekis.
However, she added that she hopes this is one of the last movesfor the program.
Officials said the renovation and moving should be done by theend of August, and the center will be ready for the fallsemester.