With the 2004-05 school year comes a whole new batch ofUniversity of Memphis Staff Senators, including this year'sexecutive committee.
During an election last week, approximately 50 senators chosethe six senators who will serve on the executive committee, whichincludes president, vice-president,� secretary, membershipcoordinator, public relations coordinator and Web sitecoordinator.
The Staff Senate is composed of U of M staff members elected by15 representative clusters across different schools and areas oncampus, said James Rose, outgoing senate president.
The U of M Staff Senate was established in 1995 and representsstaff members on campus, which can include "anyone who makes theday-to-day operations run at The U of M," said Rose. "The senatorscould include secretaries, Physical Plant workers andadministrative personnel."
Barbara Bekis, educational support coordinator, is serving herfirst year as a senator.
"Being on the Staff Senate is a new opportunity for me," shesaid, "and I am interested in finding out more about The Universityand meeting many new people within The University staff."
Some senators hope to further their professional learning alongwith the new experience as a senator.
"I am working on my master's in public administration, andworking with policy and procedure of the senate would work alongwith it," said Shelia Moses, membership coordinator.
Senators serve two-year terms and can serve up to twoconsecutive terms. After the last two-year term senators must sitout one year. Senators can serve one year of a term as anofficer.
Staff Senate is a voice for the staff members of TheUniversity.
"It is sort of like the (Student Government Association) forstaff members," said Rose. "We are a voice for staff toadministration."
Staff Senate also assists many events on campus, such as staffappreciation day and the upcoming Southern Association of Collegesand Schools accreditation evaluation. The senators also helpstudents move into the dorms.
As for the 2004-05 year, first time senator and new Staff Senatepresident, Joseph Ciavarella, plans to take leadership of his roleand accomplish a lot during his term.
"I want to make a difference in people's lives and contribute toour University community, and this seemed like an excellentopportunity to accomplish this goal," said Ciavarella. "I hope wecan listen and address the needs of the staff members at The U of Mto make their work environment more comfortable, productive andefficient with the help of our administration and our Universitypresident."