Some people have an amazing and somewhat unexplainable abilityto drive members of the opposite sex completely crazy.
They smile, and it's as if beams of light reflect off theirshiny white teeth.
They struggle with something heavy, and strangers rush over tobe the first one to lend a hand.
They shed a tear, and hundreds of shoulders are ready andwilling to be slobbered on.
These people are always the dumpers, not the dumpees. And thewreckage of their previous relationships looks like the path of avicious tornado.
Rarely is this addictive person aware that they should beofficially labeled a narcotic, but they use it to their advantagejust the same.
I was once the victim of just such a mania magnet when I was inhigh school.
I would call him over and over again until my fingers were numbfrom dialing. I stayed up all night waiting for him. I turned cattyat any and all women within a 5-mile radius.
What is it about these people that turns ordinary people into5-year-olds with a temper tantrum screaming, "Mine, mine,mine"?
It's not like we were all fatal attractionists in the firstplace, but something about these people makes us go crazy.
Eventually, like crashing from a sugar high, I was over him. Atthat point, I couldn't remember how I had been so smitten in thefirst place.
This guy, who was no Brad Pitt, had brought out the Miss Hyde inme.
I have also witnessed friends succumb to this disaster of arelationship, prompting them to swallow all pride and pull adrive-by on their sweetie's house in the wee hours of the morning,just to see whose car is in the driveway.
Perhaps these people have a way that is extremely attractive toboth sexes.
I have a friend who is the girl all girls want to be friendswith and all guys want to date. She has a way of making you feellike you're the coolest and most important person in the worldwhile she is talking to you.
No matter what she is doing, she is always having fun and makingsure everyone else is as well. After a while hanging out with her,you become hooked. You want to feel that special all the time.
What you may not realize is that eventually it will go away.Someone else will come along to take up the special attention youhave been craving, and you will be yesterday's news.
This is the problem with the magnetic people -- they give suchpersonal attention that it can't possibly sustain one person. Thenthe addict turns maniac and proceeds to call, drive-by andgenerally pester the person in question, only driving the personfurther away toward the next victim.
Not to say that this person has bad intentions, but they do knowthey have a power over people to get what they want.
So watch out for these people. They will make you feel like youare on top of the world for a brief time but can send you back tothe dregs just as quickly.