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Will you give me a job?

Am I the only one starting to freak out about not having a jobwaiting when I graduate in three weeks? I feel like I ran so fastto get to the finish line, only to find there was no prize waitingfor me.

After four years, I'm graduating with a degree in journalism andanother in Spanish, and I busted my butt this semester, taking 23hours to hurry up and get out of here. Now, I'm asking myselfexactly why I did that.

I guess it was naive of me to think I'd be able to get exactlythe job I wanted exactly when I wanted it, but I did think that. Iguess I've learned my lesson.

Even though I don't have a job lined up in either of my fieldsof study (yet), I'm still not so quick to jump on the graduateschool bandwagon. I think there's a lot to be said for working fora while before returning to school to get a master's.

That's so much money to spend, and what if you get the degree ina field in which you've never had any real world experience thenget into that real world and decide it's not at all what you wantedto do? I'm not so willing to take that risk yet.

I guess I could join the military, but that's not much of anoption right now either. I definitely wouldn't be willing to gofight in a war. And even if I were willing, I'm pretty sure most ofthe branches of the Armed Forces have a height requirement that Iwouldn't meet. You might not be able to tell from my mug shot, butI'm only 4-foot-9. Hold the jokes. You can't think of one I haven'theard.

There are, of course, other options. I've always dreamed ofdriving an ice cream truck. There's just something about thatcreepy music the truck plays coming down the street that I love.And bringing cold, sweet joy to hundreds of little Memphianseveryday would be pretty cool.

But that seems too complicated. I'd probably have to buy my ownofficial ice cream truck, and I don't think ice cream slangingwould be lucrative enough to pay off the cost of a truck. I guessthat job is out the window, too.

Maybe I could resort back to my first business experience --babysitting. That definitely wasn't a bad job. What could be betterthan going through other people's drawers and eating theirfood?

But then again, I had much fewer bills at the age of 13. I justdon't know if I'd be able to find enough babysitting jobs to payfor rent, my car note, insurance and everything else.

I guess I'll just stick with the part-time job I have --delivering pizza. This one is for real. I deliver for Papa John's.Really, it's a pretty good job. I deliver in Germantown, wherepeople actually tip, and you can't really complain about drivingaround all night listening to music and getting paid for it.

Maybe I could even incorporate some of the skills I've learnedin college to my pizza job. I could write a weekly newsletter aboutwho tips and who doesn't. And whenever we get Hispanic customers, Icould take their order and deliver the pizza.

Problem solved. I guess I didn't waste the last four years afterall!

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