I jaywalk four times a week across Central. I have no reason notto.�It is more convenient for me to cross the street than itis to go out of my way to use the crosswalk. I have crossed Centraldozens of times and have never been in danger of being struck by avehicle. Unlike in the parking lots, there is great visibility whencrossing Central.
Why try to stop people like me, who are cautious and sensible,from saving a little time? Instead of threatening jaywalkers withtickets, why not focus on making our parking lots safer? I havealmost been hit, both while walking and trying to park my truck,several times this semester in both the Central Lot and theSouthern Lot. It appears many of our student drivers found theirdriver's licenses as a "prize" inside a Cracker Jack's box.
How about enforcing a "safe speed" throughout the parking lotsand making people stop when they are supposed to? I suppose it willnot be an issue until me, or someone else, is struck by a vehicleinside a university parking lot.
Blake Collum
Freshman, Undeclared