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UC plans not a fiscally responsible answer

The University's answer to many campus problems is to simplythrow more money at them. Now they want to throw our money at theproblem, in a $35 per-semester fee.

While the current University Center is not a happening place,let us review what has brought this problem to fruition.

First, when Wilder Tower opened, a huge vacuum was created foradditional U of M administrative staff. If you walk through the UCor Administration Building there are many vacant rooms and offices.Is this effective, efficient use of campus property? Our tuition,as well as taxpayer money, pays for these buildings, yet many ofthem have little or no use.

Secondly, many of the food service contracts, such asChick-fil-A, have moved to the Tiger Den. Who is involved with theconsiderations as to the after-effects of a vacancy in the UCdining area, replaced by something else most people don't want toeat? If the administration knew the possibilities for the UC, whydid they not evaluate contingencies beforehand concerning thefinancing of a new UC, as to not burden already overburdenedcollege students? Can we not find private-sector sponsors, such aswe already did with the FedEx Institute?

This plan stinks, and I implore SGA: please keep students' bestinterests at heart. Keep in mind that it was the administration'sidea in the first place to cope with a problem created by planning,not by student interest.

Christopher Goodell

Junior, Accounting & Finance

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