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Reach out and elect someone (qualified) for SGA

University of Memphis students will have the chance to be heardin the upcoming elections for U of M student leaders.

Student Government Association elections for the positions ofpresident, vice-president and senators for the 2004-2005 schoolyear will be held April 6 and 7.

Candidates running for president or vice-president must have a2.0 GPA, 45 credit hours of completed course work and a100-signature petition. Candidates for other positions must havecompleted 12 credit hours and a 50-signature petition.

"They need to be dedicated and willing to spend time to do whatit takes to improve The University," said Lindsey Gardner, SGApresident.

SGA representatives also recommend students vote for candidateswho are very familiar with The University.

"(The candidates) definitely need to know what is going on,"said Shanea Gethers, elections commissioner.

Gethers said the students running for a senate position have tobe active in the college in which they are running for a positionand well acquainted with the professors in that college.

The elected officers have several responsibilities, and whiletheir specific duties vary, the goal of each officer is the same --to serve the students.

"The motto of SGA is 'the voice of the students,'" Gardner said."We write legislations to benefit the student body."

In addition to voting, Gardner said there are otheropportunities for students to be heard. An activity Gardner saidwas successful in assessing the needs of U of M students was "ADonut for Your Thoughts," an event which gave students a chance tovoice their concerns in exchange for free donuts.

"Students are also always welcome to come to senate meetings,"Gardner said. "We only have a few students who take advantage."

Due to complaints from students, a primary concern of SGA thisyear was the advising process. Gardner said it has been a goal ofthe administration and SGA to improve the process, and efforts willcontinue in the next school year.

SGA has also been working on activities to promote more schoolspirit. The "Tiger Super Fan" award will be implemented at footballand basketball games beginning fall 2004, giving students thechance to show their Tiger spirit by competing against each otherfor prizes.

All U of M students are eligible to vote in the elections, butthey must provide a student ID. Election booths will be located inthe University Center, the Tiger Den and the Fogelman College ofBusiness from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday.

"(The amount of voting) is generally less than desirable, but itis still a good representation of the student body," Gardner said."SGA encourages all students to vote in the elections because it isa great way of getting their voices heard."

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