Before school ends for the summer Wednesday, The University ofMemphis will give administrative professionals an opportunity tosee just how much they are appreciated.
Memphis City Council member Carol Chumney will present "TheEmpowerment of Women in Our Community" at the AdministrativeProfessionals' Day luncheon in the Fogelman Executive Center from11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
"The Administrative Professionals' Day was started as a way thatemployers could show appreciation for their support staff," saidMyra Quick, program developer for Continuing Education. "It wasoriginally called Secretary's Day, but through the years, the namedevolved."
The luncheon will be presented by Continuing Education, whichhas headed the event for a number of years. However, the event wasstarted in 1952, Quick said, by a man who wanted to attract womenas secretaries and to promote the value and importance of theirjobs.
"Usually, a boss would bring his or her secretary flowers,"Quick said. "Sometimes they would bring a token gift, such as candyor a plaque."
To celebrate the day, Continuing Education presents a luncheonfor the campus, and administrative professionals from all differentdepartments attend. Programs dealing with issues such as poise andself-confidence are presented.
"The last two years, Dr. Raines has spoken," Quick said. "Herfirst year had a good turn out since she was a female president.This year Carol Chumney is speaking, which is great because notonly is she going to speak about women empowerment, but she is apowerful woman of the Memphis community."
Chumney was elected to the Memphis City Council in October 2003and now serves as chair of the Public Services and Neighborhoodsand vice chair of the General Services, Utilities and CommunicationCommittees.
Chumney earned her bachelor's degree in economics and historywith honors from The U of M and is a Presidential Scholar. Chumneyearned her juris doctorate from The U of M's Cecil C. HumphreysSchool of Law in 1986. She was elected in 1990 to the TennesseeHouse of Representatives, where she held various leadershippositions, including house majority whip and chair of the ShelbyCounty Delegation.
"Chumney will speak, and then a question and answer session willfollow," Quick said. "Most of the speech will have to do withprofessionalism and networking with women."
Quick said she hopes to incorporate music in this year's event,possibly a saxophone or a violin, but it has not beenconfirmed.
"This is a time where not only (do) women feel the boss'appreciation for them, but a time where we get to see the peoplewho work across campus," Quick said. "It's a fun time and kind oflike a conference.
"What you learn there is camaraderie. I think most men get thatcamaraderie early from playing sports, and women don't have that asmuch. We all have a good meal and everyone goes back to workrefreshed."
Freshman Paul Lynch, biology major, said feelings of inequalitybetween men and women are prevalent in the workplace, but added,"events like this let people know how much they areappreciated."