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Physical Plant receives highest GMAQ award

Just as The University of Memphis is moving out of The Pyramid,another pyramid has found its way to campus.

The Greater Memphis Association for Quality awarded the Pyramidof Excellence Award, its highest honor, to The U of M PhysicalPlant Tuesday.

"This is an exceedingly big accomplishment for the PhysicalPlant," said Jim Lippy, executive director of the Greater MemphisAssociation for Quality. "We have not given the award every year.This is only given to organizations that are considered worldclass."

The GMAQ award was established in 1994 and uses criteria and aself-assessment process based on the Malcolm Baldrige NationalQuality Award that Congress established in 1987.

"I think that our customer service and the lengths that we go toachieve that really shined this year," said Drew Schmitz, PhysicalPlant communications specialist. "The men and women of ourdepartment really try to take that extra step to meet the needs ofThe University's students, faculty and staff."

The Physical Plant earned highest honors, but many other U of Morganizations were also honored with awards in the QualityCommitment and Quality Progress levels, like Campus Planning andDesign, Tiger Copy and Graphics Center, Business and FinanceTechnology, Campus School and Public Safety.

"Charles Lee, vice president of business and finance, is adamantabout achieving quality," Schmitz said. "These awards speak volumesabout where The University is going."

The U of M Physical Plant and Porter-Leath Children's Center,which also won the Pyramid of Excellence Award this year, join aselect handful of other recipients in the Memphis businesscommunity, including Hollywood Casino, Buckman Laboratories, Smith& Nephew Orthopedic Division, MLGW, Youth Villages and FedExMemphis Hub Operations.

Pyramid of Excellence winners must produce sustainable results,and the Physical Plant has been applying for this award for anumber of years.

"This is a really big honor," said Donald C. Fisher, GMAQ leadjudge. "This award sets you apart as the best in your industry inthe city. Whoever wins this award is looked at as a benchmark inthe community."

There will probably be many visits to The U of M to learn fromthe organizations that are recognized at all award levels, hesaid.

"We're visited by peer institutions frequently throughout theyear," Schmitz said.

The U of M Physical Plant was also awarded a Tennessee QualityCommitment Award this year, but application for a National BaldrigeAward is currently not possible.

The Physical Plant, because of its University connection, isconsidered a non-profit in terms of its business status.

"There is a bill which just passed unanimously in the House andis going to the Senate to establish a non-profit category for theNational Baldrige Award," said Lippy.

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