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Pet projects ideal for summer

Owning a pet is actually good for your health, according to astudy conducted at the State University of New York at Buffalo.

Simply petting an animal can actually reduce stress and anxietyand lower blood pressure -- just one more reason to take a tripdown to your local animal shelter and either volunteer, or adopt ananimal this summer.

Animals are euthanised in this country every day due tooverpopulation and neglect.

Why spend hundreds of dollars on the purchase of an animal froma breeder, when there are so many animals who need good homes?

The Memphis Shelby County Humane Society, located in Midtown, isa nonprofit organization and is not supported in any way bygovernment funds.

"We exist solely on time and money from the community," saidLauren Shepard, Community Outreach Manager of MSCHS.

MSCHS accepts injured or unwanted animals based on availablespace and offers healthy cats and dogs for adoption.

"We never euthanise for time or space," said Shepard. "When weaccept an animal, it is with us until it becomes adopted."

MSCHS hosts a seminar the first Tuesday of every month,informing people of the volunteer opportunities they offer,allowing people to sign up for volunteer opportunities.

Some of the opportunities MSCHS offers are dog walking, playingwith cats, foster care and help with their mobile adoptionevents.

For more information, and upcoming events, visit their Web siteat

The House of Mews, also located in Midtown, is a "FelineAdoption Agency and Cat-Lover's Gift Shop" operated byvolunteers.

The mission of the House of Mews is to not only rescue and carefor homeless cats and kittens but also to educate the public onhumane treatment of animals and encourage respect for the rights ofanimals.

This cat "sanctuary" is an alternative to a government-runshelter. Animals are not for sale at House of Mews. Once aresponsible potential owner is found, that person is encouraged tomake a donation toward veterinary expenses, such as spaying andneutering.

"It is wonderful to have pets in your work environment," saidLaura Autry, who is considering becoming a volunteer for the Houseof Mews. "Having the animals with you all day is a constantreminder of why you should devote your time to the House ofMews."

Autry, an animal lover, has filled out an application tovolunteer and is waiting for an interview.

"It is such a stress-reliever for me to spend quality time withanimals," said Autry. "I am very excited about an opportunity tovolunteer. The fact that I would also benefit the community is anadded bonus."

To apply for a volunteer opportunity at House of Mews, contactthem at 272-3777 or go to their Web site at,and fill out an application.

With the semester almost over, now might be a perfect time toadopt an animal when quality time can be spent with it. Or studentsmight like to spend the summer giving back to the community byvolunteering for one of these organizations. To view some of thebeautiful, healthy animals up for adoption, you can take a trip toMidtown and visit the Memphis Shelby County Humane Society or Houseof Mews. Or visit the photo galleries on their Web sites.

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