The spring semester is making its way into the home stretch. Twoweeks from today, classes will come to an end. Final exams will allbe over with before "the deal goes away" on Beale Street Music Festtickets.
While most college kids are barely back from Spring Break, weare getting ready for the end of the semester. This time of year,you can not help but be glad to go to The University ofMemphis.
At Tiger sporting events, we have all heard the band play thesong that includes the lyrics "I'm so glad I go to The U of M." Itturns out there are numerous people who are glad to go to this fineinstitution. Many of them enjoy singing along with the Mighty Soundof the South.
Have you ever really thought about why you are so glad you go toThe U of M?
It is easy to think of reasons not to be glad to go to The U ofM. Our campus has many well-documented problems.
If you want to buy a Pepsi on campus, you have to go to ClementHall to get it.
If you come to school after 9:10 in the morning and want a placeto park, you have to wait until someone steals a car.
But why must we always dwell on the negatives?
Here are some of the reasons I'm SO glad I go to The U of M:
Our semesters start later and end earlier than most otherschools.
My cell phone gets good service everywhere on campus.
The song "Rocky Top" annoys me.
It is fun to say Ball Hall.
When on campus, you are never more than a stone's throw awayfrom an opportunity to buy a Chik-fil-a sandwich.
Classrooms are starting to get more left-handed desks, or as wenormal people like to call them, footrests.
Every water fountain gives out free Memphis water.
Our Alumni Mall is less crowded than the Wolfchase Galleria.
When Tiger basketball fans lose a long-time crowd chant (Root),we quickly gain another (Mo).
We have an on-campus Holiday Inn that gives buffet discounts tostudents, faculty, and staff.
We have campus e-mails that tell us all about the buffetdiscounts.
The FedEx Institute of Technology.
R.C. Johnson jokes.
The plus/minus grading system.
And Tiger Book Store pens.
That is why I am so glad.