A new fellowship group is meeting Sundays at The University ofMemphis to offer advice and discussion for students who want toaddress problems and issues in their lives.
The Root, sponsored by Baptist Collegiate Ministry, will promoteits organization at 1:30 p.m. today in the University Center.
"We try to offer a laid back environment for fellowship withlive music and food," said Chester "C" Sharp, promotions assistantfor The Root. "This is not your traditional Bible study or churchgroup. It's more of a cafe atmosphere. We don't have a dress codeor any other expectations."
The Root staff comes from diverse backgrounds and has experiencewith all sorts of problems, Sharp said.
"We help people get to the root of their problems," he said."We've dealt with sex, alcohol, depression, addiction and eatingdisorders, among other issues."
The Root will also be putting on its Women's Worth event in May,which will focus on dispelling social myths about women and socialexpectations for them, Sharp said.
The organization's Street Dreams program focuses on helping highschool and college age students deal with personal problems.
"We try to offer alternatives or solutions for kids who arehaving problems with drugs, abuse or gangs," Sharp said.
The group was founded about a year and a half ago at GermantownBaptist Church.
"If you're looking for a place where you can be yourself withoutanyone judging you and get help from people who have overcomeeverything from depression to gang membership, come to The Root,"Sharp said. "We encourage anyone to bring their talents or problemsto the group."
The group is trying to bring fellowship and music to TheUniversity by providing a fun, relaxing atmosphere. Meetingsinclude musical performances of jazz, rhythm and blues and othergenres, Sharp said.
After a meal and music, the group begins its discussions.
"We try to deal with a different issue each week," Sharp said."There's a real sense of belonging at our meetings."
The Root meets in the Baptist Student Union, 469 Patterson, at 5p.m. every Sunday. Meetings include food and live music. Additionalinformation is available at 683-2799 or 969-5898.