Spring semester will be ending soon and traveling season willbegin. For some University of Memphis students, traveling on abudget is their first priority.
"While traveling, I want to spend as little as possible," saidBen Hyde, a U of M freshman.
"I might travel to Orlando, Fla., or Pensacola, Fla., thissummer with my friends for three to four days," said Jason King, ajunior majoring in psychology.
Many students also turn to online Web sites for discountpackages.
"Last year, I went to Las Vegas through Expedia.com," saidSylvia Turner, a senior majoring in psychology. "Airfare and afour-night stay in a hotel only cost me $397."
Statravel.com is another vacation Web site for students.
Hotwire.com has low cost package offers. One round trip toChicago and three nights in a hotel is as low as $343.
Orbitz.com is a Web site with airfare and hotel packages. Oneround trip to Orlando and three nights in a hotel is as low as$396.
Standby flights can be an option if time and location is not anissue. Northwest Airlines is also having a summer sale. St. Louisis as low as $83. Chicago is as low as $90.
Many vacation planning books can offer tips for a low costvacation. Most Frommer's books, such as "Frommer's Florida From $70a Day," include tips on saving money, dining at low prices,detailed maps and things to do for almost free. "Days Trips fromMemphis," by Rebecca Finlayson and Sally Sprott Pace, includesgetaways less than two hours away.
Traveling on empty? Some students travel to Spring River inHardy, Ark., during Memorial Day weekend. Two people can kayak for$19. Pitch a tent to save even more money.
For those who have extra money to spend this summer, travelagencies, such as Gulliver's Travel in the Oak Court Mall, offerinternational budget packages for ages 18 to 35.
"We have many students who travel to Cancun, Mexico," saidCharle Dunston, corporate manager for Gulliver's Travel. "Avacation to Cancun this summer varies from $699 to $800 per person(depending on your needs.)."
A vacation to the Bahamas or Jamaica varies from $450 to $700per person, said Dunston. Gulliver's Travel also offers hotel andattraction packages (excluding airfare) for Orlando.
"It is best to plan ahead and make payments on your vacation,"said Dunston.