Summer vacation officially starts next Friday, which is the lastday of the Memphis in April Beale Street Music Festival.
The pressure is on to secure that "C or better" in certainclasses and that "D or better" in others. The time has come to getdown to business by studying and finishing papers... all whilewatching the NBA playoffs (Go Grizzlies!).
Like every season, I am welcoming summer's arrival with openarms. I enjoy everyday that that is not spent sitting in buildingslocated within the boarders of Southern, Central, Patterson andZach Curlin.
Unless you plan to attend summer school, you will not have tostep foot on University of Memphis soil between April 30 and Aug.30. For those keeping score at home, that totals 122 days ofsummer.
In that time, Friends will air its last episode. The Casino willair its first episode. There will be 55 Redbirds home games atAutoZone Park (seven bobble head giveaway games) , 35 Power Balldrawings and one Spiderman sequel.
I will be spending most of my summer volunteering at a camp inCalifornia.
No wait ... I know someone who will be spending their entiresummer volunteering at a summer camp in California. I will bespending my summer working, sleeping and having fun right here inthe Bluff City.
If there were no such thing as a five-year plan, I would be oneof the many graduates entering the real world this summer. But, Iwill be back here at The U of M for one more year that is bound tobe filled with senioritis and senoritas (I still have to take myupper division Spanish classes).
I am glad I will not be graduating until May 2005. It gives memore time to scratch out the remaining things on my list...
My list of things to do before I graduate:
Participate in a one-man step show.
Get a new picture for my column.
Improve my grade point average.
Cure cancer.
Stay one night in the on-campus Holiday Inn.
For old times sake, buy some Taco Bell and eat it in the TigerDen.
Run, walk and skip through the fountain.
Write a list of things to do before I die.
That is all I have this week. As a matter of fact, this is all Ihave this semester.