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End of semester is busiest time for counseling center

University of Memphis students feeling the pressure of the lastfew weeks of the semester can lighten their loads by talking withcounseling professionals.

"Although there is no specific number of how many students visitthe office at the end of the semester, our busiest months of theyear for psychological counseling at our office are March andApril," said Robert Maichrowicz, Psychological and CareerCounseling Center for Student Development manager.

"Along with relationship issues, depression and anxiety are themost frequent student concerns we encounter."

Feeling stress or pressure does not mean a person is clinicallydepressed, but abundant amounts of stress can lead to depression,PCC representatives said.

"Depression does not have to mean a person is doing anythingdifferent from most other people," said Eddie Ellsworth, assistantprofessor of human movement sciences and education. "Chemicalimbalances can be a cause of depression."

Sophomore Cassandra Kimberly is dealing with depression with thehelp of the counselors on campus.

"The counselors are so helpful because they allow me to vent andhelp me figure my problems out for myself," Kimberly said. "Mydepression does tend to worsen at the end of the semester becauseof lack of energy, lack of sleep and lack of personal time, andthat's when I go to counseling more often so the stress doesn'tdeepen my depression."

Even though her depression is not caused by an overwhelmingamount of assignments, Ashley Dwire, freshman biology major, alsosees a counselor on campus to cope.

"I found it easier to talk to someone who is trained and canoffer another perspective on my problems and can give me ways todeal and cope with things," Dwire said.

Other students on campus have found another way to handle stressthat could cause depression.

"I don't so much get depressed as the semester ends, but I doget more stressed because of finals. But thanks to my residentadvisers, I've found a new way to relieve stress, which is byblowing bubbles or popping bubble wrap," said Anna Black, juniorcommunications major.

The best way to fight depression is to get up and exercise,officials said.

"Depression is stressful, and nature's way of getting rid ofstress chemicals is to do physical exercise," Ellsworth said. "Withstress we are prepared to fight or flight."

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