Writing a column is like being a landlord. Tenants seldom callto say they're enjoying their apartments. They call when they havea problem.
I am not sure how many students have enjoyed reading my columns,but I do know the feelings of those who don't. I don't mind thecriticism. In fact, I welcome it. Still, I have felt limited attimes by the constraints of "right" and "left."
So now, instead of taking a side, I want to express my corepolitical beliefs. Here, in a nutshell, is what I believe:
I believe there is a natural law guiding human nature and itsauthor is God. I believe each of us knows the basics of right andwrong and that we do not come to this knowledge through reason, butas the apostle Paul said, it is "written on our hearts, ourconsciences also bearing witness," so that we can't not knowit.
I believe democracy and representative government such as theone our Founding Fathers instituted corresponds best to this law,and that is why it has been the most successful. I reject the ideasbehind fascism, communism, racism and terrorism not only becausethey are misguided, but because they are fundamentally and morallywrong.
I believe capitalism and free markets go hand in hand withdemocracy and have led to the greatest overall prosperity andquality of life in the history of man.
I believe individuals should be free to make their own choicesas long as those choices do not harm others. I believe there aresome things man has no right to choose to do, such as enslaving orraping another.
I believe most people are fundamentally good but flawed.However, I also believe evil exists and that some men exude pureevil, among them Hitler, Stalin and, more recently, bin Laden andHussein.
I believe, like Edmund Burke said, "the only thing necessary forthe triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" and that a strongmilitary and steady resolve are essential to protecting thefreedoms we have come to take for granted.
I believe in telling the truth and doing what is right,regardless of whether it is popular or prudent to do so. Theleaders I have come to admire -- Ronald Reagan, Harry Truman,Winston Churchill -- all did this and were roundly criticized fordoing so, but history has proved them right.
I believe in not cheering for political parties like sportsteams. Although I tend to agree with Republicans more thanDemocrats, I am not a registered Republican. I believe both partiesare guilty of loving power more than ideals, which is why we arefortunate to have a separation of powers. I do not believe theworld would end if a Democrat, even John Kerry, were elected thisNovember, although I would not enjoy it.
I believe, like Tocqueville, that America is great because sheis good and that greatness cannot be ruined by any one man, just asit will not be ruined by a band of ruthless killers falselycloaking themselves in the religion of Islam.
I hope I have managed to communicate the core of what I believeclearly. My goal is not to force anyone to accept my beliefs, butto present my case to the best of my ability and let you decide foryourself. I hope I have done that. If not, I'm sure the tenantswill call me.