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New class introduces unintimidating triathalon

Senior Jennifer Hulbert attends a University of Memphis classtwice a week that has no attendance or participationrequirements.

"The class keeps me faithful to fitness," Hulbert said. "Itkeeps you motivated. (The group) expects you to be there and bemotivated. It helps when somebody else is prompting you."

A new fitness class, Bike, Run and Swim, is available throughCampus Recreation and Intramural Services. The class meets threetimes a week at the Student Recreation and Fitness Center, at 4:30p.m. Tuesday and Thursday and 5 p.m. Friday.

The class is free to U of M students.

According to Christen Roland, aerobic coordinator for campusrecreation, Bike, Run and Swim is an excellent way for students toget a well-rounded workout in a relaxed environment devoid of theintimidation factor.

"A lot of people see triathlon sports and are intimidated bythem," Roland said. "We don't want that to be the case. We startwith baby steps."

The class emphasizes fitness over competition. It is ideal forstudents who have been thinking of getting involved in a fitnessclass but have lacked motivation in the past, Roland said.

Roland said the group dynamic is perfect for those who are justbeginning a fitness routine.

"Triathletes normally wouldn't take a class like this becausethey're motivated by themselves," she said. "This class is forthose who are just starting out and need help.

"There are days when you're down and you don't feel like going.All it takes is a group to pick you back up."

There are few requirements for the course. Students who can swimthe length of a pool, run a quarter mile and bike for a few minutesat a time are encouraged to participate.

Although the class features a group atmosphere, it is tailoredto individual needs. Each student has different goals for theclass. Roland said some participate just for exercise, while othershope to build stamina for events such as the Dash and Splash, anon-campus swimming and running event, or the Memphis in MayTriathlon.

"My goal is for the individual to be successful with whatevergoals they have set, Roland said. "If they need help setting goals,I try to be available for that, too."

The way the class is set up also allows for flexibility. Eachday the class covers two of the three activities, allowing studentswho are looking for a more specific workout to attend on the dayswhere their activity will be covered. Swimming is on Tuesday andFriday, biking on Thursday and Friday and running on Tuesday andThursday. Even with the flexibility, however, it is important forparticipants to go consistently

"Certainly, I'd tell (students) to try it at least a couple oftimes," Hulbert said. "At least give it a chance."

Contact Christen Roland for more information at

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