In response to Tuesday's letter to the editor, "Like it or not,country needs morality."
It's people like Will Turner (letter author) who will turn theUnited States into a theocratic country.
Will Turner told us what he knows, but he's wrong. It's what hepersonally believes. He's determined that his ways are the rightways. I don't believe that through Jesus Christ I will begin tocomprehend my reason for living. However, I don't mind if othersdo.
I believe in God, but I don't believe in using God as a way tocontrol people. This country is not indecent for showing breasts onTV or airing Howard Stern.
People need to worry about teaching their children not to havesex, smoke or do drugs at age 10 or 12.
Why do I have to sacrifice my entertainment because fanaticscan't control their children and are incapable of turning off theirTVs and radios?
If people think their children are so incompetent that theycan't distinguish between wrong and right, they should look closerinto their own lives and change how they run things in theirhomes.
Religious enthusiasts tell others to believe in their ways orelse. Aren't their actions indecent? I find them inappropriate. Idon't think people will go to hell because they don't believe inJesus as their savior, for having premarital sex or for being ahomosexual.
Speaking of immorality, did President Bush forget that hisbusiness used to be associated with bin Laden's family, that heused to be a crack head and his daughters had issues with the lawdue to alcohol issues?
I have enough intelligence to live my life and move on, evenafter seeing Janet Jackson's breast and listening to Howard Stern.They don't affect my life, except by brining some laughs andentertainment into it.
Alam Sharifi
Senior, PR