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Tigers plan on move to Forum

The University of Memphis still plans to move its basketballhome to the FedExForum, despite being denied cash subsidies fromthe city and county this week.

In a statement released Thursday, U of M Athletic Director R.C.Johnson said the school would explore other avenues for themoney.

"We are no longer seeking payment from the city and county aspart of the condition to move our basketball home to theFedExForum," said Johnson. "We will instead explore other optionsfor the funds."

On Tuesday, the city council voted 12-0 against giving The U ofM a $125,000 subsidy over the next 20 years.

The University had also requested a $125,00 subsidy over 20years from the Shelby County Commission, but that request was alsovoted down, 10-0, Wednesday.

One option for the school would be to have use of a city-ownedluxury box in the Forum.

The council voted 7-5 in favor of researching the option ofgiving the box to The U of M and allowing them to sell it gainextra revenue in lieu of the nixed subsidy, but that was contingenton the county giving equal support.

"We still believe that the move to FedExForum is in the bestinterest of The University and the community as a whole," Johnsonsaid.

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