The Golden Key International Honor Society is teaming up withCareer and Employment Services to offer University of Memphisstudents help in achieving career goals.
"We're trying to get people interested in Golden Key and benefitour current members as well," said Jasmine Laster, senioraccounting major and Golden Key president. "We also want to utilizeour honorary members so they can do something."
The first event is aimed at helping students use eRecruiting, aUniversity Internet-based program that allows businesses to searcha database of student and alumni resumes.
"This workshop is to show students how to upload their resumesand to search for jobs electronically," said Karen Hayes, directorof career development and honorary Golden Key member.
Hayes will also speak at two other Golden Key events -- aworkshop on proper dining etiquette next month and an interviewtraining session in April.
"The etiquette training is designed to show proper diningskills," Hayes said. "We hope students gain confidence when diningwith a company in a social setting."
Students who do not use proper dining etiquette may harm theircareer unintentionally, career employment representatives said.
"Communication is on the top of an employer's list, even indining etiquette," Hayes said. "Being able to carry on chit chatwith the employer and knowing what food to order or not order isall quite important."
The event will be held in the University Center dining room andincludes a full-course meal.
"I'm looking forward to using proper etiquette," Laster said."It's something neat most people don't get a chance to do. It's agreat academic and social event we can do together."
The resume writing and interview workshop will focus on helpingstudents find a job, Hayes said.
"We want students to have a professional resume and develop theproper interview skills," she said. "For the interview, we'llinclude what employees may ask and the proper dress for aninterview."
The U of M chapter of Golden Key competed at the internationalconvention in Chicago on July 21, 2003, where they ranked 25 out of335 chapters.
The organization uses corporate sponsors that often hire GoldenKey members after they graduate. The organization providesnetworking opportunities that make it easier for members to find ajob, members said.
"Through these workshops, I hope students become more polishedin their communication skills," Hayes said. "All of these(workshops) are geared toward our mission, which is to helpstudents acquire job search skills to get the job they desire."
Desiree Robertson, graduate student adviser of Golden Key, saidshe is looking forward to working with Hayes and Career andEmployment Services.
"Career and Employment Services have a lot of valuable resourcesto offer the students of U of M," she said. "I believe thispartnership will help us give back to our members and provide themwith some tangible rewards for their academic success."
Students interested in any of the followingevents should contact Jasmine Laster at 678-4868 for moreinformation.
* The eRecruiting workshop will be held Friday, 12:30 p.m.,at Smith Hall. Space is limited to 25 computers. * The etiquette training luncheon will be held March 12,12:30 p.m., at The University Center dining room. The cost is $20and includes a full-course meal. * The resume and interview training session will be heldApril 9 at 12:30 p.m. |