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Excellence in teaching award gives students opportunity to say thanks

The University of Memphis is accepting nominations for the2003-04 Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Excellence in TeachingAward.

Recently The Marketing and Advancement Division sent out acampus-wide e-mail about the award recently.

"Anyone, including faculty, staff and students can nominate aprofessor for this award," said Annie Huss, office associate forThe University of Memphis Foundation.

Nominees must be full- time undergraduate professors, said BeckyMcCoy, and while they must be teaching, they do not have to havetenure. McCoy is financial services associate for Leadership Giftsand Campaigns and organizer of the Briggs award at The U of M.Former award winners cannot be nominated.

"The award is a way of recognizing those teachers who seem trulydedicated to their students," McCoy said.

Sophomore film major Amanda Huston, 24, said she plans tonominate her former Math instructor, Bette Veteto.

"She went above and beyond what normal teachers do." Hustonsaid. "I am not good at math, and she would formulate her teachingto fit my learning needs."

The committee that chooses the winners is comprised of fouralumni, a representative of the Provost Office, a former awardrecipient, a representative for the faculty and a representativefrom The Thomas W. Briggs Foundation.

There are two categories available, each with a $5,000reward.

Students can nominate their favorite professor through a varietyof ways.

An application can be obtained through a link in the mass e-mailaward committee members sent to the campus community. Students canalso e-mail Becky McCoy at, Huss said.Nominations can also be faxed to 678-4711.

Hard copies of the applications can be picked up in the BillyMac Jones Building.

The award will be presented to the winners at a faculty ceremonyin April.

To download an application, go to the Web at inquiries about nominations or the award, call 678-4438.

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