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Tigers should take Forum invite, not Pyramid upgrade

Traditionally, The University of Memphis spring semester kicksoff the Tuesday after Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Since today isMonday and yesterday was not MLK Day, one may wonder why we are allcongregating back on campus already. Well, stop wondering becauseevery four years classes begin one week earlier.

So, here we are -- another leap year and another early start tothe spring semester.

This year's extra week happens to be the final week left for TheU of M to accept the two-year-old invitation to play basketball atthe FedExForum. The Memphis Tigers are finishing negotiations withthe building operators, the Memphis Grizzlies. Time is running outbecause schedules for next season's games and other events need tobe finalized soon.

A new exciting twist was introduced to the negotiations over theholiday break. Mayor W.W. Herenton has decided he wants TigerBasketball to stay at the pointed house by offering $4.5 million oftaxpayer dollars to "improve" the facility.

Of course, U of M Athletic Director R.C. Johnson likes the idea.R.C.'s favorite game as a kid must have been Follow the Leader.

Herenton's offer includes a better scoreboard, better lockerrooms and improvement of the entire lower bowl of seating. The plandoes not include a ride to the top. It also does not includeselling the building to the highest bidder so the city can relieveitself of the large debt that the building has created.

Staying in The Pyramid may be a good idea for the Tigers if theathletic department will make more money there. But it is a badidea for the city if the Tigers choose to stay.

The Tigers staying would end all dreams of The Pyramid's future.If the Tigers stay, the pointed house will not be turned into acasino, hotel, convention center, entertainment complex or indoorwater park. Instead, $4.5 million will be "invested" into the12-year-old building to keep it as is.

The Pyramid's days as an arena should be over once the new $250million basketball-friendly arena opens off Beale Street. TheFedExForum will be one of the best arenas in the country. It willopen with or without the Tigers this fall.

Hopefully, Tiger fans will get to look back at all thiscontroversy as just a funny thing that happened on the way to theforum.

But more than likely, Tiger fans will be adding "not gettinginto the FedExForum" to the list of things they can do with theirStudent IDs.

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