Cash-strapped students unable to pay their registration feeshave several options thanks to several under-used programs offeredby The University of Memphis.
Students who fail to pay the minimum first installment of theirfees by today's deadline will likely incur a $100 late payment feeand possibly a late registration fee if they registered after Jan.11, said Carol Warren, assistant bursar.
If payment is not made by Jan. 21, those students withoutstanding balances will be dropped from their classes, saidBursar's Office officials.
However, The U of M does grant a second chance for those whoseregistration has been cancelled.
Students who have their classes deleted but wish to continueattending The U of M may request a form for reinstatement from theBursar's Office, Wilder Tower, Room 115. Fees must be paid within48 hours of the request. This option is only available through Feb.6.
The U of M offers an installment plan for students who cannotafford to pay their fees in a lump sum. The plan requires a downpayment of 50 percent of a student's total enrollment fees.
The remaining balance is paid in two installments, with half dueMarch 1, and the other half due April 1. A $25 late fee will belevied if either deadline isn't met.
Students who have a balance after financial aid, scholarshipsand third-party assistance awards have been applied can also takeadvantage of the plan.
The U of M also offers a little-known program for those unableto pay the 50 percent required in the installment plan.
Registration loans are available for students unable to paytheir fees, said Bursar's Office officials.
There is a $10 non-refundable processing fee for the loan. Toqualify, students must be in good financial standing with The U ofM with no returned checks or late fees for previous loans. Themaximum loan amount is usually half of the installment plan's downpayment. Students can apply for the loan in the Bursar'sOffice.
For all fee-payment deadlines, the student must pay the minimumfirst installment after any financial aid has been deducted fromtheir charges, Warren said.
The U of M offers several federal financial aid programs forincome-challenged students. Although the program is usedextensively by U of M students, many are unaware money is stillavailable, even if they have not already applied, according to theOffice of Financial Aid's Web site.
Those who wish to apply can do an entrance interview via theWeb. The Financial Aid Office, Wilder Tower, Room 103, has a smallcomputer lab for those students without Internet access.
With all the stress and excitement of a new semester, somestudents find it difficult to pay their fees on time. To avoidmissing fee-payment deadlines, Warren advises students to read U ofM e-mails and postcards and to visit the Ask Tom Answer Center inthe lobby of Wilder Tower.
The best way to avoid missing a deadline is the time-testedmethod of planning ahead, said Warren.
"Careful budgeting, planning, turning in information toFinancial Aid by the requested dates and forms to the Bursar'sOffice will all help the student to avoid missing deadlines andincurring additional fees or losing classes in the future," shesaid.