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Don't let U of M parking fines disable you -- keep out of handicap spaces around campus

For some University of Memphis students weary of searching forlegal on-campus parking, vacant spots reserved for students withdisabilities are a quick fix that often comes at a high price, saidUniversity of Memphis Parking Services officials.

The parking violations that bring the largest fines are those inwhich a student has parked illegally in a handicap space, accordingto the Parking Services Web site, where a list of all parkingviolations and their fines are posted. A $100 fine is assessed forparking in a restricted handicap space and for blocking handicapaccess to the sidewalk.

There were about 113 tickets given to students illegally parkedin handicap spaces during the 2002-2003 school year. Those ticketsmean an extra $11,300 in revenue for The University.

The Wilder Lot recently became designated for handicap parkingas well as Lot 9, said Kathleen Treadway, assistant manager ofParking Services.

The parking lot that has the largest problem with illegallyparked cars is Wilder lot, she said.

"This is due to people illegally parked along the curbs, whichare not parking areas," Treadway said. "Parking along the curbscauses hazards for those trying to maneuver in or out of a legalparking space."

There have been occasions when other students left notes on carsor spoke to those parked in handicap spaces without apparentphysical problems, said Susan TePaske, director of StudentDisability Services, adding that students shouldn't make any quickassumptions.

"You do not always get what you see," said TePaske. "There arestudents with heart problems who have been ordered by the doctor toonly walk limited distances."

Parking is tight in both general parking and handicap parking,TePaske said, but the reason for empty handicap spaces in someareas and over crowded ones in others is because, just like allother students, students with disabilities have to be in onebuilding at one time and another building at another time, saidTePaske.

Students who think they may be eligible for a handicap parkingspot on campus should bring in a doctor's statement or a parkingpermit issued by the state Department of Safety, said parkingofficials.

Temporary handicap passes can also be obtained throughUniversity Parking Services. However, a doctor's statement isrequired.

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