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Campus counseling unit offers students support

Students struggling with issues like anxiety, depression,alcohol addiction and eating disorders can find free help on campusthrough The University of Memphis's Psychological CounselingUnit.

The counseling unit is staffed by doctoral and intern-levelpsychologists, said Momi Yamamaka, intern in the PsychologicalCounseling Unit.

"All services provided by the Psychology Counseling Unit exceptfor testing fees are free to University of Memphis students",Yamamaka said.

The unit offers testing for personality disorders, learningdisorders and Attention Deficit Disorder, according to its Website.

Also located on the Web site are Internet resources andself-help book titles on a wide range of issues, including stressmanagement, date rape and domestic violence.

Although officials at the center said the Internet resources canbe beneficial to students, "we can assure better assessment of theindividual's problems through one-on-one counseling," said MeraKachgal, psychology intern in the Psychological Counseling Unit."We recommend students call and make an appointment or stop by theoffice to seek help with any problems they might have."

All services offered to the student by the PsychologicalCounseling Unit are confidential, she said.

The Psychological Counseling Unit also offers consultationservices for campus groups, organizations, faculty and staff.

"We have spoken to students at residence hall meetings aboutstudy skills and to student athletes about stress management,"Yamamaka said.

Because the unit has expertise in a wide range of topics anddisorders, unit counselors frequently speak to campus organizationsas well as provide individual and group counseling.

"We are very flexible in terms of covering different topics fordifferent organizations on campus", Kachgal said.

The unit also offers walk-in crisis counseling and after-houron-call crisis counseling for students in need of immediatehelp.

The Psychological Counseling Unit is a division of The U of MCenter for Student Development and is located in Wilder Tower, Room214. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30p.m. and operates on extended hours during fall and springsemesters. The crisis hotline can be reached by calling 678-HELPafter office hours.

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