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President's office renovated, but no crimson carpets seen

In 1968, future-lawyer Richard Glassman sat in then-MemphisState President Cecil C. Humphreys's office, threatened withexpulsion if his antics on fraternity row did not subside.

More than 30 years later, Glassman, now president of TheUniversity of Memphis's Alumni Association, sat in PresidentShirley Raines' office, an eerie feeling creeping down his neck ashe looked around. Of all the things that had changed since hisundergraduate years at The University, the interior of thepresident's office was not one of them.

Glassman and the Alumni Association drove a fundraiserspecifically to upgrade Raines's office on the third floor of theAdministration Building.

Since taking office in 2001, Raines has not had time forrenovations due to the press of academic business, national crisesand state budget cuts.

"This is a first-class university with a first-class president,"Glassman said.

Because presidents of other universities and CEOs ofcorporations like Nike, Hewlett Packard and FedEx often visit inRaines' office, Glassman said The U of M needed an officecommensurate to the quality of its president.

"It was not a room you would want the president of youruniversity ensconced in," said Beth Almond, the interior decorator,a U of M alumna, who is finishing the redesigning of theoffice.

"I wanted to make her office so warm and cozy that she would notwant to go anywhere," said Almond.

Glassman approached Almond around last Christmas with thepreliminary plans for the renovation, but it was not until June2003 that she began ordering new furnishings for the president'soffice.

Funds for the remodeling project came directly from alumni,specifically for Raines, Glassman said.

"The whole project doesn't even approach $55,000 --nowherenear," Glassman said in reference to the Louisville-red rugpurchased by former University of Tennessee president JohnShumaker.

The rug was only one of many extravagant expenses scandalizingShumaker's 17-month stint as University of Tennessee's president.Earlier this year, auditors discovered Shumaker had spent over$493,000 in renovations on Sequoyah Place, the UT president'smansion, and over $300,000 in travel and entertainmentexpenses.

"The president does have blue and gray carpet, with a little bitof gold," Almond said. "I'm very proud of it, and Dr. Raines isvery happy."

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