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Will suicide bombings cross to U.S.?

Since the rise in suicide bombings in the Middle East over thepast several years and the suicide bombings in Turkey over the pasttwo weeks, a number of Americans are left wondering if thoseactions could travel to the United States.

In 2002, 725 people died in international terrorist acts,according to the U.S. Department of State, and 2,013 people werewounded as a result of these actions.

"I think it's possible for a suicide bombing to occur in theUnited States, but the fact that something hasn't happened yet saysthat perhaps there are not the people willing to do that here orthe government is much more effective," said Peter Brand, anancient history professor who also specializes in the study of theMiddle East at The University of Memphis.

Civilians are usually the primary victims in suicide attacks,which normally occur without any warning. Brand said the profile ofthe suicide bomber has changed over the past three years, whichmight be one of the reasons why the bombings are moreprevalent.

"The traditional profile has changed from the young, religious,unmarried man to a profile that includes young women or teenagegirls with more secular motives," he said.

A number of motives, including Jihad (holy war) or for the sakeof being a martyr, can cause an individual to be a part of asuicide bombing, said one professor.

"People are not driven to do bombings. They choose to dobombings. That choice is based on hatred," said Dr. DavidPatterson, a Judaic studies professor at The U of M. "It is ahatred of the Jews and the teachings they represent as a people ...It is a hatred of the West, particularly the United States, and thefreedom they represent in their political and culturalinstitutions,"

If a suicide bomber chose the United States as a target, Brandsaid he or she would most likely go for something high profile orsome type of soft target where civilians are less defended.

Christina Morgan, a junior journalism major, said she believessuicide bombings are a possibility in the United States due to thenation's involvement in other countries' situations.

"We are involved in everyone else's cultural and economicaffairs more than we should be, and that, in turn, makes us moresusceptible as a target," she said.

Patterson said it is not an accident that suicide bombersgenerate from countries where there are no civil rights, noequality for women and no freedom of religion or the press.

"Such societies can endure only through hatred of those whoeither do not resemble them or are not under their control," hesaid.

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