With political and social issues growing for students on alocal, state and national level, many University of Memphis campusorganizations are trying to get people involved.
In that spirit, the Tiger Democrats will host a Social AwarenessForum and Voter Registration Drive today.
"The social awareness forum is designed to bring about socialand political consciousness," said event coordinator StaceyLuttrell. "We've invited both campus and non-campusorganizations."
The event will be held in front of the University Center on theAlumni Mall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will have guest speakersfrom 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The speakers are coming in from placesranging from Nashville to Vermont and will include Shelby CountyMayor AC Wharton, who is scheduled to be present from 11 a.m. to11:30 a.m.
"Our goal is to make people aware and hope they take a proactiverole in society rather than reactive," Luttrell said. "Too manypeople are indifferent, politically and socially. I don't thinkthey're lazy, they just don't know, and unless they're offerededucation, they'll never know."
Political science major Jim Vandiveer, co chair and publicrelations representative for the Tiger Democrats, said now, morethan ever, students are in the hands of politicians.
"There is increased tuition and no insurance available fornon-traditional students," he said. "There are politicians inoffice who may not be representing a student's best interest, andby getting involved, they can make their future certain andstable."
Invited campus organizations include the Black StudentAssociation, Circle K International, Students for Life, Studentsfor Dean and the Marxist Student Union. The College Republicansdenied an invitation, Vandiveer said.
"I am very impressed with what the students are doing," saidhistory instructor Doug Cupples, faculty advisor to the TigerDemocrats. "I will be looking forward to seeing the citizens beingengaged in the political process (at the event)."
Freshman Tyler Nance said he will attend the forum to registerto vote.
"I've been putting voter registration off because I don't knowabout all the issues to make an educated decision," said Nance."This would be a good opportunity for me to get informed and getregistered."
Tiger Democrats President Jason Hillner, sociology major, saidhe is looking forward to getting people registered and hearingguest speakers.
"I am very interested in increasing the sense of community oncampus," he said. "I want students to come and not see thedifferent organizations on campus but to see and explore all partsof The University community."