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One in five adults have herpes -- do you?

Look at the person to your right. Now look at the person to yourleft. Better yet, look at yourself.

You or someone next to you may be infected with an incurablevirus. One in every five adults in the United States is infectedwith the most common sexually transmittable infection (STI) amongcollege students -- the herpes simplex virus.

One of the most dangerous things about this virus is that it isimpossible to detect simply through outward appearances.

In fall 2002, a University of Memphis sophomore who didn't wantto reveal her name went to an on-campus party with her friends. Shedidn't know what to expect because she didn't go to many parties,but since it was on campus, she went.

"I was on the dance floor with my friends, and I saw this guy Iwas attracted to and decided to go talk to him," the business majorsaid. "By the end of the party, we exchanged phone numbers."

Two months later, they were an official couple.

The students said her boyfriend wanted to take theirrelationship to another level.

"We became sexually active, and three days later I had to go tothe doctor because it was time for my annual exam," the studentsaid. "To make a long story short, the doctor told me I had genitalherpes."

She said she told her boyfriend, but he didn't believe it andthen accused her of cheating and getting it from someone else.

"I wasn't sleeping with any one else but him," she said. "And hetold me I was the only one he was sleeping with, so I was confusedon how I caught it."

After her boyfriend broke up with her that night, she said theonly thing she could do was continue her life -- which now includedtaking suppressive medicine everyday.

"No, I don't want to live my life like this, but I have to livewith it," she said. "I can't let it hold me back because I am stillhere, and I am going to be successful even if I have this."

There are two types of herpes -- oral herpes or HSV-1 andgenital herpes or HSV-2. The HSV-1 usually causes oral herpes,which materializes in an infection on the lips, mouth or facialarea, commonly known as cold sores or fever blisters. This type isusually passed from person to person through kissing.

But just as HSV-1 can infect the genital area and cause herpes,HSV-2 can pass from one person's genitals to another person'smouth, causing oral herpes, which is why it is important to usebarrier protection during oral sex, according to the NationalHerpes Resource Center Web site.

HSV-2 lives in the nerves but can travel to the surface of theinfected area and copy itself. This method is called sheddingbecause once it becomes a new virus, it can rub off on anotherperson.

Genital herpes most often appears as blisters on or around thegenitals or rectum. When they burst, they leave tender sores knownas ulcers.

The first time a person has a herpes outbreak, they mayexperience flu-like symptoms like fever and body aches, and theulcers may take two to four weeks to heal.

The next outbreak may not occur for week or even months, andafter the first one, outbreaks are usually less severe than thefirst outbreak. Herpes is an infection without a cure, but theoutbreaks tend to become less frequent over time.

Symptoms of outbreaks include numbness, tingling or burning inthe genital area, a burning sensation while urinating or havingintercourse, painful urination or a frequent need to urinate andwatery blisters in the genital area.

Some people experience warning signs up to 48 hours before anoutbreak. A doctor can diagnose genital herpes by looking at theoutbreak and by taking a sample of the sore.

Jacqueline DeFouw, U of M health educator, said people don'tknow how widespread herpes is among American adults.

"One out of five adults has genital herpes, and as many as 90percent aren't aware they have this virus," DeFouw said.

The fact that many people may not know they are infected withthe virus has prompted DeFouw to try to educate more students aboutit.

"There is a fair number of students who aren't aware of herpes,but when I express the issue in my programs, they are shocked andwant to know more," DeFouw said. "If students learn the facts aboutit, I feel they will realize this is serious."

The business student also said more students should be aware ofwhat herpes is because there are too many people who are infectedand don't know.

"I didn't want to reveal my name because I am embarrassed aboutthe way this happened, but I can share my words and let people knowthat no matter if you are protecting yourself with condoms, it isstill not safe," she said. "Just be educated about any STD becauseit can happen to you. It happened to me."

Do you have the symptoms?

1. What is your sex?

A) Female B) Male

2. What is your race or ethnic background?

A) Black B) White

C) Hispanic D) Other

3. What is your age?

A) 12-19 B) 20-29

C) 30 and older

4. How many sex partners have you had?

A) 0-1 B) 2-4

C) 5-9 D) 10-49

E) 50 or more

5. What is the highest level of education that you completed?

A) Elementary school

B) High school

C) College

6. Have you ever used drugs? A) Yes B) No

Checking your status.

1.Women are more likely to have genital herpes. About one in fourwomen have HSV-2, compared with one in five men.

2.Close to 46 percent of blacks are infected with HSV-2, 22 percentof Hispanics are infected, more than 17 percent of whites are— the reasons of these percentages are because they werereported not saying that this is how much have it in the UnitedStates.

3.The older you are, the greater your risk for having genitalherpes up to a point. Between ages 12 to 39, the likelihood ofgetting HSV-2 more than quadruples. About 6 percent of teens, 17percent of adults in their 20s and 25 percent of adults and overare infected with HSV-2.

4.It's possible to get genital herpes from your first sexpartner. But with each new partner comes a greater risk forinfection. About 10 percent of people who have had one sex partnerare infected, compared with nearly 26 percent if those who'vehad five to ten partners and about 46 percent of those who have had50 or more partners.

5.The less education a person has on the subject is more likely tohave genital herpes. Whereas 19 percent of people who have had somecollege education are infected with HSV-2, 35 percent of those withonly elementary school education are infected. Those with a highschool education fall in between, with 24 percent of them beinginfected. People with less education may engage in more riskysexual behaviors that can cause herpes infection.

6.Having used drugs like cocaine at any point in the past increasesthe likelihood of being infected with HSV-2. Those who have usedcocaine are about 13 percent more likely to be infected than thosewho never used it. People who use cocaine may engage in more riskysexual behaviors that can cause herpes infection.

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