The vision of a one-stop hub for student services, six years and$12 million in the making, is now complete, and The University ofMemphis is ready to show it off.
John S. Wilder Tower and Brister Hall, the newly renovatedbuildings, will be displayed in an open house open to the publicall day, with a welcome address from U of M President ShirleyRaines at 11:30 a.m.
"We're excited about the renovations," said Meta Laabs,assistant to the vice president of Student Affairs.
The open house will give students, faculty, staff and thecommunity the opportunity to get familiar with the buildings, asthere will be an opportunity for self-guided tours from 8 a.m. to4:30 p.m. and guided tours at 10:30 a.m., noon and 1 p.m.
"All student services have moved to Wilder Tower to provideconvenient services for the students," Laabs said.
The renovation of Wilder Tower, a library until 1994 when theNed R. McWherter library was built, began in March of 2001, andincluded a new exterior, roof, drywalls, ceiling and windows.
Many students say the change is very convenient because many ofthe student service departments once spread across campus are nowlocated in one building.
"I have been over to Wilder Towers many times and found itreally convenient," said Laurielle Altman, sophomore politicalscience major.
Departments that are now located in the building are FinancialAid, Bursars Office, Admissions office, Academic Advising officeand Career Services.
"I no longer have to walk around the campus to find differentdepartments around campus," said Arienne Hudson, sophomore nursingmajor. "That was really a big inconvenience."