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U of M Army cadets take first step towards officer status

Several cadets from The University of Memphis were contractedfor service in the U.S. Army in a formal ceremony at the RoseTheatre Thursday.

Fifteen U of M students took what Cadet Russell Grisby said isthe first step to becoming officers in the military by officiallycommitting themselves to at least two years of service to themilitary after graduation.

Along with parents and friends of the cadets, special guests atthe program included senior military instructor Earl Hudgens, Deanof the College of Arts and Sciences Henry Kurtz, special assistantto the president of The University David Cox, and Cadet Col. ChuckLawrence, the cadet commander.

The ceremony meant a lot to U of M parents Rueben and LindaGomez because their only son, Michael Gomez, is making such a bigcommitment to the United States.

Linda Gomez said she is concerned for her son's safety becauseof everything going on overseas, but she is confidant that Michaelwill be able to take care of himself with all his training and theinput he receives from his father, who recently retired from 24years of active duty. Gomez, a sophomore physical education majorat The U of M plans to be an active officer after he graduates.

Senior fashion merchandising major Renee Robertson, who wascontracted last year as a reserve officer, said the ceremony wasimportant to her because it sealed her commitment to the army.

"You go through all the training and running, and this makes itall official," Robertson said.

Robertson said the military is her financial backbone becausethe job market is not very stable, but added that in the ROTC, shefeels like she's doing something important.

"I want to make a difference in the world, and not many peoplecan say they do that," she said.

Lt. Col. David Palmer, professor of military science and topofficer at The U of M, said taking the oath is the single mosttangible thing that separates professions from jobs because thecadets are swearing to their God to do their duty in theirprofession.

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