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Two U of M students with strong leadership qualities receive Mr. and Miss U of M award

Seniors Latrell Armstrong and Melinda Laroco were crowned2003-2004 Mr. And Miss University of Memphis at Saturday'sHomecoming game.

Mr. and Miss U of M act as the official representatives of TheUniversity, said Student Government Association vice presidentLindsey Gardner.

"Latrell and Melinda are both exceptional student leaders onthis campus," Gardner said. "They have gone the extra mile to excelat extra curricular activities."

Armstrong, a communications major, is a Student GovernmentCouncil senator and member of the Black Student Association. He hasserved as president, vice president and is a current drum major forThe U of M marching band. Armstrong is a Frosh Camp counselor, anorientation guide and the president and co-founder of Empowered Menof Color.

Armstrong has received several awards for his academia andparticipation, including the National Association for theAdvancement of Colored People Mahogany Award and the Kwesi MfumeLeadership Award. He was also named Frosh Camp Counselor of theYear and Marching Band Best Attitude. He is also an Up 'Til Dawnmorale counselor and participates in Service on Saturday.

"I was excited to have won, it is a great way to end my collegecareer," Armstrong said. "I can represent my school, and I will dowhat I can for the student body."

Many students were happy to see Armstrong win. U of M sophomoremarketing major Myla Young said Armstrong was the bestcandidate.

"Latrell is a hard worker, and he does a lot for TheUniversity," Young, 19, said. "He deserves it."

Armstrong attributes his on-campus participation to one of hisfriends, U of M senior Mario Brown.

"Mario knew that I wanted to participate, but all I did was talkabout it," Armstrong said, "Mario made me act on it."

Recruiting for The U of M at as many schools as possible,including county and out-of-state schools is on his agenda,Armstrong said. He also plans to participate in a lot of alumnievents because he says the alumni deserve to see whom they aredonating their funds to.

Armstrong said he wants students to know that he is there forthem, for their concerns about The U of M and for theirsuggestions.

Laroco, a senior biology major, is an active member of Pi BetaPhi sorority. She has served as her chapter's vice president ofmental advancement and as this year's Women's Pan HellenicCouncil's Gamma Chi, the Greek counselor of recruitment.

Laroco is the president of the Student Ambassador Board and hasbeen an Up 'Til Dawn morale captain for the past three years. Sheis also a recipient of the Emerging Leaders scholarship, anorientation guide, a Frosh Camp counselor and is a founding memberof Rotoract service organization.

"I don't join organizations for recognition, I do it because Ilove this school," Laroco said. "I am extremely honored to bechosen."

Laroco plans to join Armstrong in his community services outsideof campus.

"Latrell and I want to work together and join the BigBrother/Big Sister of America organization," Laroco said. "I'vealways wanted to be a big sister."

Laroco contributes her college success to time management.

Drew Richcreek, a senior business management major, has knownLaroco since elementary school.

"Melinda is a friendly person, with a high amount of energy,"Richcreek said. "I think it was a tough decision because there weremany great candidates, but she deserved it, she'll represent uswell."

Armstrong and Laroco, who are friends, could not be happier towork side by side as Mr. and Miss U of M.

"She is one of my best friends and to have won this with her iseven better," Armstrong said. "She deserves it."

The SGA passed legislation last spring that requires Mr. andMiss U of M to fulfill certain requirements once chosen, Gardnersaid. They must fulfill at least 10 hours of community service as Uof M representatives, visit at least two high schools with a U of Mhigh school recruiter and attend at least two official U of Mevents, Gardner said. They can also be called on to do variousother tasks that represent The U of M.

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