The Holiday Season is upon us. Do not panic, there are nodecorations or preparations needed for what awaits us. It is theonly non-commercialized holiday on the calendar. It is time againfor Fall Break.
There are no gifts to get, cards to buy, sales to go to, candyto give out, meat to eat, parades to attend, fireworks to shoot, TVspecials to watch, or green to wear. Fall Break is the only holidayevent not yet taken over by "Corporate America" and the greetingcard industry. It is kind of sad that a college holiday, which notall schools even have, is the last in a dying breed.
This year's break should hold true to its history. Plenty ofstudents at The U of M will again skip class on Fall Break Friday.The only other day during the semester that ever has lower classattendance is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Fall Break 2003 also has a holiday within a holiday- ColumbusDay. (For those who do not usually celebrate Columbus Day, it isalways a great holiday to take a family trip to the bank or postoffice.)
Thankfully, the true meaning of Fall Break is still intact:Students and teachers get a few days off from class in order torest and relax with no distractions whatsoever.
That could all change. Our grandchildren will probably not beable to enjoy the break like it was originally meant to be enjoyed.It is only a matter of time before certain businesses realize thereis a great deal of money to be made in Fall Break. Think aboutit...
A month before Fall Break arrives, Memphis radio station WRVRThe River 104.5 could start playing non-stop Fall Break music 24hours a day.
The Gap could start a special ad campaign with the slogan "FallBreak into The GAP."
MTV could send Carson Daily and company to an exotic beachlocation for some wild and crazy Fall Break shows. (The coveragewould probably interrupt your regular all day long Sorority Life orFraternity Life marathon. But do not worry, you should still beable to catch the live local show on the blue/green side of theTiger Den.)
Whatever the future may hold for Fall Break, I will be ready tojump in with my own money making opportunity. As soon as Fall Breakstarts getting commercialized, I plan to start selling bumperstickers that say "I Break for Fall."
Now, go have a happy and healthy Fall Break...and GOBLAZERS...oops, I mean, GO TIGERS!