Warm days have almost disappeared from The University ofMemphis, and chilly days are already taking over.
Some U of M students are well prepared for the cold weather,using their rooms or an extra sweater to keep warm.
"I never get cold in my room because I live right above thelaundry room, so I am always warm," said sophomore Eboni James.
But for other students, the cool nights have students bundlingup with extra clothing and blankets.
"It is getting a little cool, but I usually put on a sweater orextra shirts to keep warm," said Dominic Lawson, sophomore sportsmanagement major.
Another U of M student, Valerie Simmons, takes the extra stepand takes the cool weather into her own hands.
"The weather is great during the day, but at night I just pullout the electric blanket to get warm and cozy," Simmons said.
Physical Plant Communication Specialist Drew Schmitz said thereare certain conditions they have to go by in order to turn on theheat, and it's not quite cold enough yet.
"At night, we turn off the air conditioning and during the daywe turn it back on," Schmitz said.
When the temperature stays at a constant cool degree, the heatwill go on, Schmitz said.
"It has to be at least 55 degrees or below throughout the dayand two to three days straight to have the heat on," he said.
The Physical Plant tries to keep the buildings on campus at atemperature students, staff and faculty can be comfortable withwhile sitting in classrooms or dorm rooms, Schmitz said.
"We try to maintain a comfortable environmental situation forour students, staff and faculty. For example, our goal temperatureis 72 to 74 degrees in each dorm room and classroom," Schmitz said."And it also minimizes the cost in our energy bills."
But if students feel like it is cold in their rooms, they canfill out a maintenance report, and if there are some space heatersavailable from maintenance, it is possible for the student toreceive one, one resident advisor said.
"The best thing to do is have plenty of blankets or a thickcomforter, warm clothes and the right winter accessories to tamethe cold weather we are about to have," Simmons said.