Connecting fantasy with reality, computer simulation games, likeThe Sims, The Matrix and Everquest, allow regular people to assumeroles completely different from their ordinary lives.
In the past few years, a number of new simulation games have hitthe market, allowing individuals to play various roles, such asentertainers or athletes, and customize their look orappearance.
"These games are a hit because people can play something theycan relate to," said Keith Lacey, game representative at SoftwareEtcetera and a sophomore art major at The University of Memphis."It becomes fairly realistic since they can assume roles they can'tin real life."
The Sims games allow players to interact with their environmentand do human activities including throw a party or even get into afight, Lacey said. They also allow for simple actions like drinkinga cup of coffee or using a hair dryer in some of the popularversions that include Sims Vacation, Hot Date, House Party, Livin'Large and Superstar.
"The latest Sims game coming out is a Halloween theme calledMaking Magic (to be released Oct. 29)," Lacey said. "It allowsplayers to do things like cast spells on people and hypnotize theirfriends."
Simulation games are made for just about any game system,including computers, Xbox, GameCube and Play Station 2. Lacey saidthey are all equally accessible and it only depends on which systemsomeone has.
Melanie Scherer, a senior at the University of Georgia, said sheis mainly a fan of the original Sims.
"Although some unexpected things come up, you still havecomplete control over what is happening," she said.
Some of the unexpected situations occur when a fire starts or aburglar breaks in, but Scherer said these events are usuallypreventable.
Computer simulation games have had steady popularity since theirarrival on the computer scene about five years ago, said DuaneEkedal, technical sales representative for Office Depot.
"What makes these games different is people like to be incontrol, and this is their chance to do it," he said.
The Matrix is another game that ranks as one of the more popularsimulation games, Ekedal said. It basically allows players to be apart of the same type of technology as the movie.
Another new trend in the simulation gaming field is allowingplayers to interact with others online in games like The Sims andEverquest.
"You can assume the roles of different players with variousbackgrounds, social and economic levels, ethnic groups andhobbies," Lacey said.