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Sky-diving into the Indie Film Fest

Extreme sports have taken America's fascination over the years,especially sky-diving. Why not make a film on it?

That's just what junior Edward Phillips, a 24-year-old film andvideo production major, did. Directed by Helen Bowman, Phillips puttogether Free Fall and Fly, a film about skydivers in Myrtle Beach,S.C. for the Indie Memphis Film Festival.

"I found it to be a unique aspect of skydiving," said Phillips,"and thought it turned out to be very interesting. The originalintention was to just ask jumpers their experiences and from that Idecided to make a documentary film."

The film will be shown Monday at 9 p.m. at the Muvico in thePeabody Place.

"This was my first film and I'm 65 years old," said HelenBowman, a regional actor and graduate of The University of Memphis."It was filmed a couple of years ago at Myrtle Beach in April.After I filmed it, I contacted Edward and showed him the rawfootage, and he edited it and put it together."

The idea for filming started when Bowman witnessed skydivers onthe beach.

"I was on the beach and looked up to see maybe 20 to 25skydivers coming down," she said. "It was so colorful. I had mycamcorder with me, so I started to go out and film."

Bowman's angle for the film was to find out more about theskydivers and why they did this.

"I asked them if they were scared of the beach and the ocean,"Bowman said. "I found out that when more danger is involved, themore they want to do it. They come to this spot specifically forthe beach and ocean."

Bowman followed one individual who was going to perform hisfirst jump, known as a tandem jump. This is a jump where a jumperis harnessed onto an instructor when they sky-dive.

"They're just normal people," said Bowman, "and this is theirhobby. I spoke to one man who was here with his daughter. Familiescome out here to make it a fun weekend. They have jobs anddifferent lives back home."

Bowman hopes to make future films as well.

"I had a great time with this one," she said. "I have a couplemore plans and hope to be making more films in the future."

The Indie Memphis Film Festival generally focuses on films inthe American South or films made by Southern directors. Every yearis met with a showing of films as well as an awards competition forBest Narrative Feature, Best Narrative Short, Best Documentary, andBest Animation or Experimental.

Films opened Thursday and will close on Thursday, Oct. 30.

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